Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thoughts on Taking the MRN Job in Dallas

Many of our friends and family must be thinking…

How could the Tuckers choose to leave the NW? Really…Texas?? Does Lanny need a mental health assessment?

o Well, yes, but we’ve known that for some time.

Suzy loves California; are they moving because she likes the heat?

o You’re right, she does love a sizzling, summer day since she grew up in the hot summers of Red Bluff, CA. However, when she got off the plane in Dallas and took in her first view of Texas terrain she said: “Honey, you told me it was flat, but I guess I just didn’t understand what you meant. Something feels wrong. I can see forever.”

Could Lanny be a “closet” Dallas Cowboys fan?

o Uh….NO!

Perhaps you mean Dallas, Oregon…surely not Dallas, TEXAS??

o We wish Missions Resource Network was located in Oregon, but, no, Texas is where they’re located.

OK really, why would you choose to live in Texas over Oregon?

o If it were that simple we would have never even interviewed for this job. Portland’s beauty is unequalled, and Dallas certainly doesn’t make the list of “most beautiful places on earth.” Most would place it on quite an opposite list. It’s the job; it’s certainly not the place. This position attracts us because it seems clear that our service to God through MRN will be the best way for us to help the growth of God’s Kingdom. We are determined to live in the way that is most useful to God. Although our track record is imperfect like everyone else’s, we believe this ministry is the best way for us to be useful as Christ’s servants.

o In graduate school, Lanny studied missions and divinity. He pursued these studies to prepare well for work as a missionary in a foreign country. God captured his heart for mission work through a 1991 Harding summer internship in Eldoret, Kenya. Since then God unexpectedly called us to serve at PUMP, helping put legs to a dream that his sister Lori Van DerKamp had prayed and dreamed about since the mid-1990s. Although it was the last place Lanny expected to be doing mission work, his first mission field was right in his own backyard: Portland’s inner-city. Now—with double irony—we are moving from one of the least “churched” states in the U.S. to do mission work in the Bible Belt. God certainly has a sense of humor and surely has enjoyed surprising us by his unexpected, seemingly upside-down method of leading us into his will.

So, what does Missions Resource Network do?

o Missions Resource Network ( has four key strategies. They…

1 Mobilize church-planting teams
2 Multiply the number and effectiveness of missions-active churches
3 Nurture missionaries and their families
4 Advance strategic thinking and cooperation in missions

What does Lanny’s role look like in this new ministry?

o He will (1) equip various Churches of Christ to be more motivated and excellent in the way they send missionary teams to foreign countries to plant churches, (2) work with others to develop and prepare mission teams who will serve God in foreign countries, and (3) raise money so MRN can expand its work with churches and mission teams.

Although we are certain God is calling us into this ministry, we are overflowing with mixed emotions in light of the drastic changes this means for us in terms of family, friends, and church (and natural beauty surroundings). During our thorough decision-making process one friend shared this encouragement:

Last night I was reading a biography of J.P. Sanders, one of (Columbia Christian College’s) former presidents. I knew him as Dean Sanders a year after he left a very comfortable position as dean of Lipscomb and went to Pepperdine. As he sought advice on whether he should leave his job at Lipscomb with his good salary and close friends to go to Pepperdine, which was in severe danger of closing its doors forever, and at a reduced salary, this is the advice he received from Nile Yearwood, a close friend and a member of Lipscomb’s board who did not want J.P. to leave: “Well, J.P., make the decision that would be the easiest to defend if you appeared before the Lord tomorrow.” That’s what Dean Sanders did and he and Norvel Young rescued Pepperdine from certain disaster and built it into one of the nation’s leading universities.

We decided to interview for this job simply to investigate it and to make sure we didn’t have lingering regrets. After the three-day trip to Texas we found ourselves surprised at how interested and impressed we were with MRN’s mission, godly staff, extended families, and the way in which we were invited to fit into their future vision.

Reaching this final decision has been like a gut-wrenching roller coaster—equally exhilarating and nauseating all at once. Lanny will likely start his work at MRN on June 1st, allowing him to complete the year with Cascade College and help the college finish strong. We will cherish the remaining months we have here in Portland. Suzy and our girls will likely spend some time in Red Bluff, California, with Suzy’s parents and then travel down to Texas in June or July. The timing will depend on how selling our home in Portland and purchasing a home in Dallas all plays out.

We would sincerely appreciate everyone’s prayers as we prepare for this big family transition. We love and appreciate all our Portland-area friends and hope to see you before we go. If you’re ever passing through Dallas/Fort Worth we hope you’ll make plans to stay in the Tucker hotel!

With Love in Christ,
Lanny, Suzy, Kezia, Eden, and Jordan Joy


Leah said...

4 years IS a bit long between blogs. I hope you will write more as the transition and new beginnings brings you to your key board.

Blessings to you, Brother. Though there have been tears over your decision (one that I know belongs to you and Suz together), there is great joy in knowing you seek and submit to the will of our Father, that you take care of your family with unending love, and that you are passionate about ministry.

I'm sure we will be able to have time to visit, laugh and cry before your journey to Texas begins... but for what it is worth, you have my blessing... not that you need it to do what is right for God and your family... but there it is.

With much love,

Lanny Tucker said...

Thanks, Leah! Each blessing and word of encouragement is precious to us. Anticipating this move sends our hearts toward focusing on heaven and the eternal reunion we will enjoy with everyone who bends their knee before He comes. Lord willing, like you said, we'll also have some more time to make memories here in Portland which will in turn make the heavenly reunion that much sweeter. Hope you'll find some way also to visit us in Dallas down the road. We'll save a room just for you!

Adam Wolfgang said...

Congratulations, this sounds like a great opportunity for you and your family. We will miss you, but we feel better knowing your following where Jesus is leading you.

craig said...

Gut wrenching seems the appropriate phrase. The wildness of God's love manifests oddly in our lives. The payoff is sweet though it's usually nearly impossible to imagine... Dallas. Grace and peace.

Craig and Tamara Brack Copeland
Austin, TX

Christense Andersen Jiang said...

The concept of "seeing forever" is striking. But I know what she means: Down there in the flat lands I always feel exposed, like an ant on a coffee table...I keep waiting for someone to set a mug down on top of me. I'm so sorry to hear that you are leaving, but I am so excited to hear that you are going to do something that all of you are excited about. It sounds like a wonderful ministry to be involved in. And of course you'll be back to visit...Texas may have MRN, but Oregon has the grandparents!