Monday, November 16, 2009

Dear Family & Friends,

Thank you all for being willing to pray for Eden and our family. We are praying God will give Eden peace and that the source(s) of her anxiety will be discerned and put away. We thank God for putting us in the care of David Gililland, counselor at Richland Hills Church of Christ, and Dr. Kay Trotter, psychologist/play therapist. Through David’s leading, Suzy and I have sought out one or two prayer partners each and a couple who can coach & mentor us over the next few months. Several have agreed to help us in this particular way, and we’re especially grateful to them and for David encouraging us to do this. David explained to Suzy and me that our degree of spiritual and emotional health likely sets the ceiling for Eden’s emotional health, so having great support for us as a couple right now is key to Eden’s progress.

Eden will visit Dr. Trotter weekly for another 7 weeks or so—typically on Wednesday afternoons. At this point, not too much has been learned through the therapy, but it’s early and the therapist anticipates learning more in future weekly visits. Eden has shared less info with “Miss Kay” the last couple visits than she did in the first one; Dr. Trotter says this could mean she is feeling less anxiety and feels less urgency to talk; on the other hand, she could be resisting sharing for some reason and still feels a lot of anxiety. Her hair twirling seems a bit less the last few days yet her general interaction and mood seems a little less happy-go-lucky than “the usual Eden.” These last two days she has been running a fever which could, by itself, explain her mood. [Actually, for running a 101 degree fever she actually seems to be doing great!] We will put future prayer updates on my blog at and I’ll update you all via email whenever there’s a new post. If you’d like background on Eden’s anxiety you can find it on an earlier blog post as well.

We just appreciate your prayers through this unknown territory. We take comfort and even joy knowing that God responds to each prayer and even changes his plans, at times, because of our conversations with him. He knows the future, but we know he will also change things through our prayers in Jesus’ name. Thanks!

With love,
Lanny & Suzy

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